Video: Australian safety council urges you to slow down... naturally

"Enjoy The Ride" PSA – Click above to watch the video after the jump

Remember the Embrace Life PSA that urged auto occupants to use their safety belts? It's a beautiful safety ad with a very powerful message. The Road Safety Council of Western Australia must have been watching, because they've taken their safety message to the next level of serenity.

Beyond the jump is a three-minute ad titled "Enjoy The Ride." The first two minutes of the video explain how important it is to slow down in every day life. If you don't, the PSA explains, you're on the fast track to early aging, heart disease and even erectile dysfunction. You wouldn't know this is an auto safety spot until the last minute of the PSA, when the real message reveals itself. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Hit the jump to view the video – just be prepared to breath a little deeper... you may want to join yoga after this. Hat tip to Chris!

[Source: YouTube]

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