Video: Robonaut creepily unpacked onboard International Space Station

General Motors' Robonaut 2 – Click above to view video after the jump

Robonaut 2, NASA's C-3PO lookalike, is the first humanoid robot in space, and it began duty a few days ago as a member of the Expedition 27 crew. The General Motors/NASA joint venture project went to space packed in boxes instead of a space suit, and was unpacked and assembled by flight engineers Cady Coleman and Paolo Nespoli.

In their transmission to NASA, however, Robonaut appears to have unpacked and assembled itself. For our money, the thought of a humanoid robot operating a space station is a scary enough realization of hundreds of sci-fi fantasies. The idea that Robonaut could unpack and assemble itself is a terrifying 2001: A Space Odyssey sequel waiting to happen.

Click past the jump for a video of Robonaut's unveiling.

[Source: YouTube]

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