Video: SARTRE autonomous vehicle in action shows road train is possible

SARTRE Road Test – Click above to watch video after the jump

Looks like things are progressing nicely with project SARTRE, the road train that can help cut emissions. We last wrote about them in December when the team announced that they would be moving from simulation work to actual vehicle testing. The technology was successfully demonstrated at the Volvo Proving Ground in Sweden recently. A single Volvo S60 sedan following the lead truck was used in the test. In the video released, the driver, once attached to the road train lead vehicle, is able to completely let go of the controls and does not use his hands and feet during the test. Watch the video after the break to get a taste for what its like to sit in the passenger seat while SARTRE takes care of the driving duties. The way things are going, drivers in the near future will yet again have reason to say, "Look Ma, no hands!"

[Source: SARTRE via GreenCarReports]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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