Video: Mini goes retail with interactive vending machine billboard


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Whether they're challenging Porsche to a duel, littering the streets with packaging or jiggling some chubby dude's man boobs, Mini has a certain flair for creativity when it comes to its advertising. The latest chapter unfolds in Canada, where an interactive "vending machine" billboard was projected onto the side of a building near Toronto's Air Canada Centre (after a Leafs game, from the look of things).

The brainchild of advertising agencies Media Merchants and Taxi, the billboard invites passers by to text their favorite Mini from their phone. After doing so, they're treated to an animated display showing their choice making its way to the bottom of the virtual vending machine. Unfortunately the public can't then drive off in said Mini, but it might prompt some Canucks to stop by their local dealership and do exactly that. Follow the jump to check out the video for yourself.

[Source: YouTube]

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