Video: Audi wraps up "The Next Big Thing," not sure if anyone noticed

Justin Timberlake flogging the Audi A1 in The Next Big Thing – Click above to watch videos after the jump

Audi made an episodic series of short films for the A1 called The Next Big Thing, and it was apparently so big that it didn't fall off the radar, it swallowed the radar whole. For those of you who missed the last four episodes, we're here for you. We're not sure that this was the intended effect of getting Justin Timberlake to promote the A1, nevertheless the A1 is selling so well that Audi is upping production.

Episode three – wherein JT ends up in a bare-chested cage match and a sleeper hold applied by co-star Dania Ramirez – is titled "What was that for?" Coincidence? Return to episodes one and two to refresh, or head straight for the jump and episodes three through six. There's even a making-of video as a bonus. If that's what you call that...

[Source: YouTube]

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