Electric car from Audi to be a Volkswagen up!?

It was only last April that Audi was saying that it had no plans for an electric car (EV) in the immediate future. It's possible they're operating under a different definition of "immediate future" than us or maybe they have just changed their minds because, according to Car Magazine Online, Audi has unofficially said it will offer an electric version of the Volkswagen up! when they become available, possibly before 2011. In terms of vehicle development lead times that sure sounds like "immediate future" to us! Of course, it is conceivable they may be as just as flaky with their EV plans as they have been with their Q5 and Q7 hybrid programs. If there are more up! production delays, Audi may may a plan B. According to another bite-sized article in Car Magazine Online, Audi is also considering reviving its A2 (R.I.P. 2005) with an aluminum space frame (ASF) and stuffing it full of batteries. With all Audi's indecision though, a more sure bet may be Volkswagen making an electric Volkswagen.

[Source: Car Magazine Online]

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