No electric car plans in the immediate future for Audi

With Audi recently dashing American hybrid hopes it doesn't come as a shock that, unlike the other German manufacturers, they have no plans for an all electric vehicle in the near future. It's a shame, too, because if they could make one that looked like their 2006 R-Zero electric concept (pictured above), they could probably rack up more than a few sales at a price that would guarantee a profit.

We only bring it up because our hopes were briefly raised by the headline, "Audi ponders the all-electric car" above an interesting interview with Willibert Schleuter, head of Audi AG electronics development in Tuesday's EETimes. He puts it all down to the state of today's battery technology offering a product that, in his opinion, is still too heavy and expensive. That, and a desire by Audi to focus on their successful diesel program for now. When pressed, he does admit to a belief that there will be a role for such a vehicle in the not-too-distant future as a second car for city driving and grocery getting and such. In the meantime we will wait and see what BMW and Daimler are planning to offer up in the way of (potentially) carbon-free driving.

[Source: EETimes]

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