VW, Porsche talks stumbling over labor issues?

Porsche wants to purchase Volkswagen, this much we know. But before that happens, the huge labor union at VW needs to agree on terms with Porsche management. This, as you may imagine, is proving a bit more difficult than Porsche had hoped, prompting the automaker's senior labor leader Uwe Hueck to lash out at the heads at VW. Not surprisingly, his initial attack received a response from Bernd Osterloh, the head of VW's labor union. It seems that some major sticking points exist that the organized Volkswagen employees are not too keen on, causing them to believe that they would be relegated to second-class status. Whether or not these negotiations will keep Porsche from purchasing a controlling stake in Volkswagen seems up in the air at the moment, though we wouldn't be surprised if some sort of deal were made sooner rather than later.

[Source: Automotive News - sub. req'd]

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