Enter the rumormill: LG Chem is winning the Volt battery contract fight

When AutoblogGreen visited Bob Lutz's house for the Vectrix electric scooter delivery this week, GM's product development chief Bob Lutz gave us some pretty candid information about the Chevy Volt's progress. Take this tidbit, when Sam asked Lutz if GM has vehicles running with both the CPI (i.e., LG Chem) and the A123/Conti packs?
"No. We're concentrating on one, but I'm not going to tell you who that is. They're both excellent battery companies, and they both have good companies for integration, but we feel that at this point we have a lower risk with one company than the other." (click here and watch the video at min. 3 to hear Lutz say this).

OK, put that information together with this article in the Guardian UK that focuses on the status of LG Chem. Buried towards the bottom is this line:

"Also, one of its [LG Chem's] packs powered a test or 'mule' version of the Volt that GM engineers have created from a modified Chevy Malibu and showed off last month for GM product chief Bob Lutz."

Now, just because the battery was in the Volt mule a month ago doesn't mean that it's the one that's still in there today and, as we remember, it wasn't too long ago that Conti was saying they have a "good chance" at winning the Volt contract. Nothing is decided at this point (unless you're on the Volt team, perhaps), but we'll keep watching.

[Source: Guardian UK]

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