Video: Citron apes The Italian Job at Sexy Green Car Show

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Who says that frugal and fun can't go together in the same sentence? It could be argued that using Minis -- both classic and current -- in the chase scenes of the movie(s) The Italian Job made them fairly eco-friendly already... well, at least as friendly as a filmed chase scene could be. At least they didn't use muscle cars, right? But at this year's Sexy Green Car Show, Citroën has apparently decided that the classic scene needed to be recreated using as little fuel as possible. To that end, a thirty second film spot was made which features Citroën's little C1, a car capable of delivering nearly seventy miles per gallon while emitting just 108g/km of carbon dioxide. Fittingly, the three C1s featured in the advertisement are red, white and blue - the same colors as the Minis that were initially used in The Italian Job movies. We'll be honest... the video pasted after the break isn't nearly as entertaining as the original, but it's fun in its own little way.


The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: The Sexy Green Car Show]

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