Mazda hires ad team that crafted MINI, VW campaigns

Think about some of your favorite automotive ads in the past few years and a couple of campaigns stand out. Volkswagen's "Unpimp Mein Auto" and "Safe Happens" spots were some choice bits, and the countless print, billboard and TV ads for MINI simultaneously defined the brand and gave buyers on the fence one more reason to check out BMW's revival of the iconic hatch.

The ad firm of Crispin Porter + Bogusky was behind all of those creatives and Mazda has chosen Rob Strasberg, formerly of CP+B, to head up the Zoom-Zoom automaker's marketing efforts through Doner Advertising.

There are no details about how the new ad campaign will go down, but Mazda has no plans to deviate from the "zoom-zoom" theme that originally began back in 2000. Mazda is looking to balance out its crossover offerings with its sporty image, and that's likely one of the first jobs Strasberg will be tasked with.

Naturally, we couldn't keep away from YouTube, so we've embedded all the aforementioned VW spots after the jump.

[Source: Automotive News – Sub. Req.]

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