Rumors become expectations: Renault CEO to arrive in Israel for electric car project presentation

Globes, one of Israel's leading economic publications, has announced that Carlos Ghosn (Renault President and CEO) is expected to go to Israel for the dedication ceremony for Project Better Place on January 21st. This project by Shay Agassi is the famous Israeli EV venture we've been speaking about for a long time (check the related links below). Investment is expected to be in the range of $150-300 million but the car won't be built in Israel (maybe by Chery?)
On the other hand, the Green Tax Committee that recommended a purchase tax of 10 percent (compared to 78 percent on regular cars, if you wondered) said that this break should be ended if the market share for EVs exceeds 20 percent. This measure could be valid through the end of 2014 if it's protecting an emerging industry. The GTC also recommended taxing electricity so the cost per kilometer would be similar to the cost of using gasoline or diesel.

[Source: Globes online (h/t to Zohar for the tip)]

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