Alaska teen converts his own electric car, a 1971 Super Beetle

There's a fairly underground movement among teenagers that bubbles up now and again here on AutoblogGreen. These high school students are working in shop classes, civics classes and after school groups - and sometimes on their own - to actually do something to help the environment by working on (or to promote) cleaner cars.
The latest entry comes to us from Anchorage, Alaska, where Stellar Secondary School senior Bart Grabman has, following lots of Internet research, borrowed a bunch of money from his mom to buy EV parts. Grabman is a member of Alaska Youth for Environmental Action (AYEA), where he heard a visiting speaker talk about self-converting a truck to electric; this gave him the idea in the first place.

The direct information on Grabman's EV-conversion project comes from an article by fellow senior Erin Britton. As students are always learning, I'll advise Britton to include details on what kind of car Grabman is working on in any future articles. Thankfully, via Austin EV's amazing collection of electric cars under construction, we can see that Grabman's vehicle of choice is a 1971 VW Super Beetle. Also on that page, Grabman explains which parts he's using for the project: the motor is an Advanced DC 8" 203-06-4001 Series Wound DC and eight 12-volt lead acid batteries. The batteries are old, he says, but for now they hold a charge, and that's enough to keep him going.

[Source: Austin EV, Erin Britton / McClatchy Newspapers via EV World]

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