An early look at some of the Shell Eco-Marathon competition vehicles


Do you remember when we ran an article about the Shell Eco-marathon? Does the sound of 6,792 miles per gallon jog your memory? Think that's high? That can't hold a candle to the all-time record of 10,705 miles per gallon set in 2003! That kind of mileage is impressive, even if the vehicles used to record such astounding numbers are very small and can seat only one person. Not surprisingly, as you can see from some of our pictures, women are often the drivers, as they often weigh less that us guys, and every little bit helps. Here is a link to our gallery from last year, and here is a link to a sneak peek at some of the newest entrants for this years competition. We'll be sure to keep you updated as the results.

[Source: Shell and The Eureka Reporter]

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