Zap! doubles dealer list, gets orders for 2,300 electric vehicles in at NADA show

Well, how's this for good news for Zap? At the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) annual convention and exposition in Las Vegas (which ended a few days ago), Zap! wrapped up "signed, non-cancelable purchase orders" from 19 dealers for 2,300 electric cars. This represents a doubling of Zap!'s current dealer stable, and it looks like there'll be more to come. ZAP Chief Executive Officer Steve Schneider said, "We also had more than 300 dealer inquiries at the end of the show, so we expect this number to grow as these dealers return home and have the time to review the opportunity."

I wish Zap! broke down that order list by vehicle (at the show, Zap! had the new ZAP-X crossover, the XEBRA truck and the OBVIO! 828 micro-sports car on display) so we could see what's striking a chord with dealers. Is it the all new (and still unavailable) ZAP-X, or for the less exciting Xebra? That many orders for the unique Xebra would be news indeed. Perhaps Zap!'ll clue us in soon.

[Source: ZAP]

UPDATE: Corrected numerical transposition in headline

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