Ford investing $1.02 in ethanol-hungry Brazilian market, will buy Troller

Between now and 2011, Ford Motor Company will invest $1.02 billion in its Brazilian operations (on top of the previously announced $139 million the company plans to spend on product development and capacity expansion at its Sao Paulo state plant). Ford announced the investment Thursday, along with the confirmation that it will buy the Brazilian off-road vehicle maker Troller for an undisclosed amount. Brazil is the world's most advanced ethanol market.
The last time we mentioned Troller on AutoblogGreen, a reader commented that perhaps Ford wanted to buy Troller so they could stop Troller`s production and the restart and sell the Land Rover Defender to the Brazilian army. Anyone heard anything about this?

Ford's flexible-fuel Fiesta has been selling well in Brazil, where even the "normal" gasoline is made up of 25 percent ethanol.

[Source: AutoNews – subs req'd]

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