Chevrolet Volt picture surfaces at the Chicago Tribune

UPDATE: As promised, here are all the details you could want on the Volt, including high-res images, technical specifications and more.


Ok, now I suppose you want a sneak peak of the Chevy Volt, don't you? We're still keeping the pretty pictures secret for a little while, but the Chicago Tribune has apparently decided they can print up a photo of the Volt with their ad for tomorrow's newspaper.

The text of the Tribune's caption reads like this: "If the Chevrolet Volt works as advertised, you could travel for weeks, if not months, without a drop of gasoline. You can expect from 50 to 525 mpg, so get ready to thumb your nose at the gas pumps – at any price. General Motor [sic] unveiled the high-mileage concept at a media preview of the Detroit Auto Show. The electric, powered by lithium-ion batteries, is designed to go up to 40 miles before recharging the batteries."

Two things strike me as odd about this clipping. First, the typo. Second, 525 mpg? That's higher than anything I've read about the Volt. I wonder how they came up with this number. In any case, check out AutoblogGreen at midnight for the rest of the details.

[Source: Chicago Tribune via Winding Road]

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