Ford to show off new Focus at the Detroit Auto Show and is working on a smaller car

According to Jeff Gilbert at the WorldWide Automotive Report today, Ford will be showing off the new 2008 Focus next month at the Detroit Auto Show. The redesigned Focus has been making it's presence felt recently on the roads around Detroit, which is generally a sign that it's not far off. Unfortunately each time I've been next to one on the road I haven't had a camera handy, but others have. The '08 Focus has the new Ford family face with the three bar grille first seen on the Fusion and Edge. That look will also be spreading to the Five Hundred and Freestyle next year. The new Focus will come in at least a new two door coupe version as well as the sedan, although the fate of the wagon is unknown at this point. Ford is apparently also working on another smaller car for the US market, but that one is still a couple of years away from production so it probably won't be shown.
[Source: Worldwide Automotive Report]

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