161 Articles
Exclusive: Tesla Model S iPhone App [VIDEO]

It wouldn't be right for Tesla to be centered in Silicon Valley and not have the most future-forward technology a car can offer. Over the weekend we caught Tesla's killer smartphone app in the wild and it appears that they have completely nailed it.

Race of Champions coming to a smartphone near you

Not everyone can compete in the Race of Champions. You have to be, you know, an actual champion of something. (That something being a professional racing series of some sort.) But us ordinary Joes can do the next best thing: pretend like we're champions while playing with our smartphones.

Check Out The New Autoblog iPhone App Featuring Translogic

Obsession with transportation isn't a bad thing. If you're like us, then you know what it's like: browsing forums, trolling comments; pure addiction. For the longest time the only way to get your fix required sitting at a desk -- or schlepping a laptop into your racecar-shaped bed -- and staring at a monitor. But, what if you're out and about, in transit yourself? Luckily for you, there's an app for that.

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