7 Articles
How to turn your hood into wall art

I hadn't had my '78 Scout Terra painted for more than a week when I found myself plodding along a crooked farm road in the dead of night amidst a howling thunderstorm. Rain threw itself at the flat-pane windshield in violent splashes, threatening to drown out the static cough of the one-speaker AM radio in the dash. Soft green light poured from the gauges as I flicked through the dial, curious to hear what the low

Kia driver caught motoring down the highway with hood up

There's the right way to handle a highway emergency and the wrong way. Driving down the interstate with your hood peeled back onto your windshield certainly falls into the latter category, and yet, the driver in the video after the jump managed to do just that down a few miles of New Hampshire highway.

The epicurean of cars

We're quite certain more than a few our readers have tried to poach on egg on their hood or attempted to prepare some other cuisine using their cars. As a matter of fact, there's a great read out there called Manifold Destiny that takes car cuisine to a new level.