Tesla will pay for repairs after owner uses his Model S to save another driver's life

Elon Musk sent out tweets of thanks.

It's always nice to wake up to good news, even if it's not your own. A German Tesla Model S owner reportedly saved another driver's life using his car, choosing to help rather than eschewing any potential damage to his vehicle. Even better, Elon Musk said that Tesla will cover all repair costs to fix the damage to the owner's Model S, free of charge.

According to German publication Muenchner Merkur via Mashable, Manfred Kick was traveling down the A9 Autobahn when he noticed another car swerving back and forth on the road. Upon getting closer, Kick noticed the other driver was unconscious, possibly due to a stroke. Kick decided to pull his Model S ahead of the other driver's Volkswagen and slowly brake in order slow both vehicles down. When stopped, he performed first aid while other motorists called emergency services.
Initial estimates tally the damage at about $10,000. Fortunately for the driver, Musk was kind enough to help a good samaritan. Plus, this is great PR for Tesla. German authorities are conducting an investigation into Kick, but it's just standard procedure in an accident. He doesn't expect to be charged with any crimes.

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