
BMW is creating an autonomous vehicle test center in Munich

The testbed pools all of its current efforts into one location.

As automakers ride the wave that is autonomous EVs, they will need a testbeds and organizations to develop the technology. BMW, in the ramp up to the 2021 release of the iNext, has created a new test center in Munich, Germany. The 2,000 employees at the center will focus their efforts on vehicle connectivity and self-driving technology, integral parts of BMW's new project.

This group will pool efforts that are currently spread out over several locations. It also hopes to road test vehicles in Munich once working prototypes are developed. Obviously, having all the groups in close proximity reduces the time between software development and hardware integration. Currently, BMW has about 600 people working on the iNext project.

BMW's is giving only clues as to what form the iNext vehicle will take. In addition to iNext, BMW has said that there will be improvements to the i3 and i8, so look for those models to receive updates in the next few years.

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