Robby Gordon's father and stepmother found dead in Orange County home

Father and stepmother of race car driver Robby Gordon were found dead in their Southern California home on Wednesday, the Washington Post reported. The bodies of Robert Gordon, a 68-year-old former off-road racer known as "Baja Bob," and his 57-year-old wife Sharon were found in a home owned by the elder Gordon. A neighbor discovered the bodies early Wednesday evening after being asked to check on the home by family.

No cause of death has been reported, though a weapon was recovered from the scene. Orange County Police told CBS2 they believe they are dealing with a murder-suicide. Orange County Supervising Deputy Coroner Kelly Keyes told USA Today that cause of death "had not been ruled one way or another." Autopsies for the bodies of Robert and Sharon Gordon are scheduled for Thursday.

Robby Gordon is a former NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver and owner who has been competing in motorsports since the early 90s. He raced 10 times in the Indianapolis 500 between 1993 and 2004. He established the Speed Energy Formula Off-Road Presented By Traxxis series in 2013, formerly known as Stadium Supertrucks. Gordon still actively races and is scheduled to run this weekend in Costa Mesa, California. Earlier this year, Gordon withdrew from the 2016 Dakar Rally after some a severe crash. While running the Baja 500 last year, Gordon's truck clipped a spectator while attempting to pass another vehicle.

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