Can't stop: Chevy Volt sales still outpace Nissan Leaf

It's happening. Again. And Again.

Through the first six months in 2016, the Chevy Volt has outsold the Nissan Leaf 9,808 to 5,793. The unrelenting trend continued in June, when the battle between the first two mainstream plug-in vehicles of the modern era shows an advantage of almost 900 sales for the Volt.

Things remained calm on the Nissan Leaf front, with 1,096 units sold in the US last month. That's down 47.2 percent from the 2,074 Leafs that Nissan sold in June 2015. For the first six months of the year, Leaf sales are down 41 percent (9,816 to the abovementioned 5,793). It's highly unlikely that this trend will turn around until Nissan starts making more the promised 200-mile update a real thing.

For the Volt, things were looking good. Chevy sold 1,937 Volts last month, up 58.1 percent from the 1,225 sold last June. The second-gen Volt continues to raise GM's numbers, with Volt sales up 74.5 percent so far this year (9,808 this year compared to 5,622 last year).

Despite its total dominance over the Leaf since October 2015 four months of coming close, there's still a numerical level the Volt is struggling with. Chevy just can't cross the 2,000-unit battier this year. The last time that happened was in December 2015, when 2,114 Volts were sold. This year, the closest GM came was in April, when 1,983 Volts were sold. So close.

We'll have our monthly numbers round up of all the green car sales in the US coming soon. Stay tuned.

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