Babysitter robs bank with kids in car

Apparently believing that the film Adventures in Babysitting was an instructional video, a Colorado babysitter is in jail for using the children she was watching as props in a bank heist last week. According to KUSA, the Weld County, Colorado Sheriff's Office was alerted that the Colorado East Bank & Trust in Severance was robbed on May 13. The suspect, a local woman named Rachel Einspahr, pulled into the bank's drive-through around 4:00 pm with two children in her car. She sent a note through the vacuum tube system that there was a man in her car demanding money, and that he was threatening to harm her children. Believing that lives were in danger, the teller gave Einspahr $500.00.

Investigators working the robbery case eventually tracked down Einspahr and discovered that she was not an innocent victim, but the prime suspect in the robbery. She told detectives that she had planned the robbery and used the children, who were children she was hired to babysit, as props. She went on to say that she planned the robbery alone, and that she wanted the money to pay $15,000.00 up front as part of her restitution in a forgery and felony theft case she was involved in from Evans, Colorado.

Eihspahr is currently being held at the Weld County Jail, and is charged with robbery and two counts of child abuse. The children involved in the robbery were not harmed.

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