
British copper pelted by bricks during traffic stop

Two Volvo-driving English vagrants are behind bars after pelting police officers with bricks during a traffic stop. ITV reports that back in February, police in Northeast England pulled over a silver Volvo wagon in Kirkby, Merseyside. When the Volvo stopped, the driver and passenger, clad in reflective vests and hardhats, immediately jumped out and pelted the police car with large bricks. They threw a total of three bricks, shattering the car's windshield and showering the officer with glass, before jumping back into the car and fleeing. A chase ensued, but was given up when the officer lost the Volvo on the M57 motorway.

The two offenders, Carl Foley and Karl Waring of no fixed abode, were eventually tracked down and arrested for the attack on the patrol officer. Charges against the two include affray, dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, and possession of cannabis with intent to supply. They both plead guilty and were sentenced to eight years in prison.

Inspector Mike McFall of the Merseyside Police's Matrix Serious and Organized Crime Roads Policing unit made the following statement after the sentencing.

"We welcome these sentences, which should serve as a warning to anyone else considering taking such reckless action against police," Mcfall told ITV. "These two dangerous offenders believed in using violence to aid their escape from police, and in doing so showed complete disregard for the safety of police and toward other road users. Unfortunately for Waring and Foley, they only succeeded in raising their profile as a risk to the public, which resulted in a joint investigation by Sefton CID and Matrix Serious and Organized Crime Unit and, ultimately, substantial terms of imprisonment."

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