
VW demonstrates a fix for the 1.6-liter TDI engine

Three months after the Volkswagen diesel emissions blow-up was uncovered, we're moving into the second phase of the scandal – one that could be called "The Fix". A VW Group spokesman in Germany said the company has solutions for some of the affected EA 189 motors, but not the 1.2-liter units.

It demonstrated the solution for the 1.6-liter diesels to Germany's Federal Motor Transportation Authority (KBA) on Monday, according to a report in Automotive News Europe. That solution, which involves hardware and software changes, is being evaluated by the KBA. If it is approved, VW can move forward with recalling and fixing roughly 540,000 VW Group vehicles in Germany fitted with the 1.6-liter. Assuming that process goes well, it still might take more than a year to complete; it's been suggested that new injection nozzles and catalytic converters are needed, and it will take months to get those parts in quantity simply to service just one country, Germany.

Beyond those borders, ANE says VW will need parts for something like 3.6 million engines in Europe alone. Another five million cars among the range of EA 189 displacements will join the recall, but it's said that most of them will only need software fixes. VW says it should have its plan for the European recall situation sorted out by the middle of next month.

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