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Neglected roads draining US economy

America's roads and bridges suck. And no, this is not news. What is, however, is the effect that our crumbling infrastructure is having on our still fragile economy.

According to a new feature from The Wall Street Journal, the American Society of Civil Engineers predicated that between 2012 and 2020, bad roads and freeways will drive up expenses for companies and hurt overall productivity, sapping up to $3.1 trillion (yes, trillion, with a "T") from the nation's gross domestic product.

The impact for some companies is severe. UPS, for example, is losing $105 million each year. Congestion in some cities is forcing the company to use three trucks to guarantee on-time delivery for two trucks worth of packages. In other cases, companies are being forced to pay so-called "impact fees," to make up for the lack of government road funding.

WSJ has the full article, which delivers a rather interesting take on America's decaying infrastructure.

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