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EVs won't die because of low gas prices

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The Internet lets us oscillate between ill-thought-out poles – "We're sunk!" and "We're saved!" – with fiber-optic speed. Thoughts once had time to mature because they took so long to get to print, now they're disgorged as soon as they're born to an audience of thousands, and make about as much sense as most other kinds of newborns. That's how we get an opinion piece in the Washington Post called "Why cheap gas can't kill the electric car" that refutes the gloating Thomases prognosticating the demise of BEVs in the face of cratered gas prices.

We've done this before, and one would think we've had enough of it. That is, why do we need yet another article, backed by facts and history, to explain that electric-car sales are mandated by some state governments, so the price of gas only affects how many are sold but has nothing to do with whether they're sold?

Levi M. Tillimann, who wrote the opinion piece, takes us on a very clear walk through the rise of the regulatory environment and the browning of the physical environment that led to the creation of the California Air Resources Board and electric-car regulations. We already know the end: unless someone changes the rules, the BEV ain't goin' nowhere. And with gewgaws like the Chevrolet Bolt and Tesla Model E on the way, why would we want them to? Head over to the WP to read the story.

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