
Daughter has great taste, gives stepdad Porsche 914 of his youth

Children require a ton of sacrifices; even people without kids know that. Whether it's the time to watch a baseball game or the money just to get there, parents have to give up something for the betterment of their offspring. Of course, once a child grows up, it's finally possible to repay mom and dad for all of their hard work. In the case of Kristin Russell and her stepdad, Dave, that involves a surprise 1973 Porsche 914.

Before he got married, Dave had a sweet, white 914. He even had the money saved up to restore it, but spent the cash on the wedding instead. The Porsche languished in the garage until Dave eventually parted it out and sold it off. Years later, Russell wanted to do something to thank her stepdad for all of the things he had done for her and her mom. The only fitting thank you was an identical 914 to the one that he gave up. Scroll down to watch Dave's reaction of getting his dream car as a surprise Father's Day gift.

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