
BMW could revive all-electric Mini

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BMW spent years evolving the all-electric powertrain it introduced in the Mini E back in 2008. The first big change was when the original Mini E was cancelled and the ActiveE was introduced in 2011. Then we have the quantum leap into the i3. If a report over on BMW Blog is correct, we might one day go full circle back to an electric Mini.

"Electrification fits perfectly with the brand" - Mini brand manager Peter Schwarzbauer

BMW Blog talked to Mini brand manager Peter Schwarzbauer about the possibility of a new electric Mini and he said, "It fits perfectly with the brand, and I am convinced that we will offer a suitable solution." One reason an electrifying Mini makes sense is because the new third-gen model will be built on the UKL1 platform. This platform is going to be able to handle a variety of powertrains, including "various" hybrid configurations, BMW Blog says, adding that the Clubman model would be a "prime candidate" for a battery injection.

The numbers show that BMW may not have made enough Mini Es the first time around. While only 450 Mini Es ever made it into the world, 1,800 people signed up to test them. Once the cars did arrive, BMW discovered that Mini E drivers were mostly happy with their EV experience. We can only imagine how pleased they'd be with improved cars.

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