
Chris Harris on track with Pagani Huayra for Grid 2

To promote Grid 2, Codemasters is releasing a set of three videos that feature Chris Harris. The second one has just been thrown all over the Internet, but it won't make much sense unless you watch the first video, which was released in January. In that video, Harris attempts to beat McLaren test driver Mat Jackson in a two-lap race of the UK's Brands Hatch circuit driving the MP4-12C. Midway through, Harris pauses the race to get tips from a Codemaster employee who tells him, essentially, "Stop drifting so much." Harris practices on the game, then returns to the track to work his new knowledge.

Having said all that, we realize that the second video still doesn't make much sense because it's nothing but Harris powersliding a Pagani Huayra around a track in Italy. That's all. And you know what? Some things don't need to make sense. You can watch both videos below.

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