
How many kindergarteners can you fit in a Tesla Model S?

Details on where and when this video of a gaggle of kindergarteners packing themselves into a Tesla Model S was shot are slim – we think Phoenix, AZ, based the license plate and this Tesla Motors Club post. Of course, all of that is kind of secondary compared to the obvious fun these kids are having. It's not a record-setting effort, which is why there's so much room left over – it's more of a chance to try and get an entire kindergarten class into one car. As a member posting on the Tesla Motors forum wrote, "We could have fit three more easily, without anyone sitting on top of someone else."

In any case, it's pretty adorable, and it has also given us our new favorite phrase: "Frunk Monkeys." Hazard your own guess as to how many youngsters will fit, then watch the video below to see how many kids can cram into the benchmark electric hatchback below.

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