The List

The List #0035: Drive The German Autobahn

We told you last time that Jessi and Patrick still had some items to check off The List after picking up a car from BMW via European delivery. They had to make their way from BMW's headquarters in Munich to a certain race track, and when in Germany, there's only one road that's worth taking to get where you're going: the Autobahn.

Our intrepid hosts have already achieved the feat of driving 200 miles per hour, but in this latest of The List, they're looking to challenge that number on Germany's most famous public road. To do it they needed the help of Alpina and its incredible B7 sedan. Large, powerful and stable, the B7 is our hosts' best chance to tame the Autobahn.

Watch the latest episode of The List, and stay tuned in the coming weeks for the last episode from our trip to Germany that you won't want to miss.

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