
Scion puts bikini models and donuts in iQ to spin up some sales

We're speechless.

Well, maybe not... but, at the very least, we're surprised by Scion's latest marketing campaign for its iQ minicar. There are a lot of reasons to be interested in the iQ – its small size makes for easy parking, it's not terribly expensive and it's nicely fuel efficient – but its ability to do donuts with four full-size occupants isn't one of them.

Not just four occupants. How about four bikini models? Not your style? There's four dudes, four bikers and four police officers, too, each in their own video. They're all eating donuts and drinking milk while being driven around in backward smoky burnouts and reverse donuts.

And suddenly, we're leaning toward speechless yet again.

You can see all four videos below, but we warn you, it's all complete and utter nonsense.

Scion iQ Information

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