Infographic: The ins and outs of owning a tank

Tanks are a unique form of wheeled transportation. Performance is measured not in terms of speed or quickness, but how much destruction a tank can dish out and absorb in return. Tanks played a huge role in the first and second World Wars, but in our modern age of unmanned drone warfare and undetectable teams of special operators, these iron-sided bears have become to military aficionados what a Duesenberg is to a classic car collector. And thus, owning your own tank may be as attractive a proposition to you as putting an MG in your garage.

This infographic is a good primer for tank ownership, and includes such information as where to buy one, how much you can expect to pay, and the legal requirements you'll need to meet before you can call yourself the proud owner of a weapon of tracked destruction. You'll also be in good company, as the infographic cites a number of other known tank owners, including novelist Tom Clancy, which makes perfect sense when you think about it. Follow the jump to see the infographic from top to bottom.

Infographic produced by – the online gift site for driving experiences, including tank driving and supercar track days, as well as many other experience day gifts.

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