
Customer in controversial Ford bailout slam ad responds to critics on YouTube

We only know him as Chris, but his words are reverberating around the automotive and business sectors at the moment. He's the star of an unscripted Ford ad that puts real customers in front of not-so-real reporters. Chris was asked why buying American was important to him, and his response centers on the fact that Ford did not take bailout money unlike General Motors and Chrysler.

Chris has decided to post a video of his own to address some of his critics and to try to set the record straight. The Ford fan responds to criticism that this ad was staged, and also explains why he chose to buy his F-150. In addition, Chris also watched and recorded a Fox News segment, and that clip has talking heads Megyn Kelly, Mike Tobin and Steve Moore offering up their take on the Ford spot. Click past the jump to see the original ad, Chris' response and the opinion of Fox News.

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