
Saab to appeal court decision on Monday

Yesterday, Saab announced that its request for government protection was denied by a Swedish court, citing that the court feels that the automaker's proposal for a voluntary reorganization would not work. Furthermore, it is unclear to the court whether or not the proposed €245 million from China's Pang Da and Youngman companies will be enough to fix the Swedish automaker's financial woes (assuming the Chinese government approves this equity contribution). Saab disagrees with the court's interpretation of the request for government protection, and now plans to file an official appeal on Monday, September 12. Full release after the jump.
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Zeewolde, The Netherlands, 9 September 2011 - Swedish Automobile N.V. (Swan) announces that Saab Automobile AB and its subsidiaries Saab Automobile Powertrain AB and Saab Automobile Tools AB (collectively Saab Automobile) aim to submit their appeal on the District Court's decision to reject Saab Automobile's proposal for voluntary reorganization on Monday September 12, 2011.

In yesterday's decision, the District Court argued that the application of Saab Automobile lacks evidence that the purpose of a formal reorganization can be fulfilled. The Court is of the opinion that the first reorganization of Saab Automobile cannot be considered to be a successful one. It is further unclear to the Court whether - and if so when - the Chinese authorities will approve the EUR 245 million equity contribution of Pang Da and Youngman and whether the planned funding will be sufficient to structurally solve Saab Automobile's financial problems. The Court finds that it is unclear how Saab Automobile will be able to end the liquidity crisis and continue its business. The current stops in production are likely to have resulted in considerable loss of the goodwill of the company and an impairment of the Saab trademark.

Saab Automobile disagrees with this interpretation of the voluntary reorganization proposal and aims to submit its appeal on Monday September 12, 2011. After the court has received the appeal it is expected that a decision on the appeal is taken soon after.

In the meantime, Swan and Saab Automobile continue discussions with several parties about obtaining additional funding for the short term.

Swan will update the market on further developments.

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