
This is what a 426-mph flying mile looks like in HD

What's the fastest you've ever driven? We're sure many of you have crested the century mark. Some of you may have seen 150 miles per hour crawl by on the speedo, and perhaps a lucky few have experience 200. We can all but guarantee that none of you have gone as fast George Poteet, though.

Poteet is the man who strapped himself into a Bonneville Blown Fuel Streamliner known as Speed Demon, and proceeded to run down the salt flats at a tremendous rate of speed. Using a set of RePlay XD cameras (the same type we used for our Woodward Dream Cruise coverage), Poteet captured footage of his 426 mile per hour flying mile run.

For that speed, you need a serious engine, and the Speed Demon comes prepared. A 347 cubic-inch V8 mill gets paired with a pair of Turbonetics "Demon" turbochargers. The result is over 2,200 horses and a thrill ride that few get to experience.

What does it feel like to trip the lights fantastic at 426 miles per hour? Click past the jump to see for yourself.

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