
With 2025 CAFE rules, gas engines will remain king

Automakers (except for Volkswagen and Daimler) have shown strong support for the 2025 Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard of 54.5 miles per gallon. So, it's time to start gearing up for an onslaught of plug-in vehicles, right? Wrong, says some industry experts.

The standards announced last Friday by President Obama will boost fuel economy requirements 53 percent by 2025. This target is unlikely to prompt a race to manufacture plug-in or hybrid vehicles. According to Brendan Bell of the Clean Vehicles Programs at the Union of Concerned Scientists, automakers will leverage advanced technologies to manufacture the most fuel-efficient gasoline vehicles ever.

"Automakers will meet the standards by improving technology on the road today" says Bell.
The industry will develop cleaner burning engines, enhanced transmissions, lightweight alloys and focus extensively on aerodynamic design. This, says Bell, means the gas engine will remain king despite the general consensus that the fossil-fuel burning units are considered by most plug-in vehicle advocates to be nearing extinction.

[Source: Automotive News – sub. req.]

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