
Mini uses Google Maps and Facebook to let you race digitally on any road in the world

Mini Facebook Game - Click above to watch video after the jump

Now this is cool. The crew from Unit9 has joined forces with Mini to create a heinously addictive Facebook flash game. Using data from Google Maps and real-time weather, the game allows players to challenge friends and strangers to races through the virtual streets of Europe. Awesome? You bet your Union Jack it is.

Fans of the Grand Theft Auto franchise will recognize the overhead view, and real engine and tire sounds from genuine Mini racers adds a little something extra to the gameplay. You can chose the length of race you want to participate in as well as whether you want to run it during the day or at night.

Players are also afforded the opportunity to choose from a number of custom Mini Cooper models with different colors and roof designs. Check out the preview video after the jump and head over to Facebook to start knocking fenders with the rest of the world.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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