Daimler says multiple Car2go Smart Fortwos were "heavily vandalized" in hockey riot

Vancouver rioters destroy a Car2go Smart Fortwo – Click above to watch video after the jump

Turns out, it wasn't just one Car2go Smart Fortwo that was damaged after Vancouverites couldn't handle a simple hockey loss. Daimler spokeswoman Juliane Muehling told AutoblogGreen that multiple vehicles were damaged during they hockey riots last week. Daimler's official statement reads:

Our car2go vehicles are located throughout Vancouver's downtown core for the convenience of the members of our carsharing service. Unfortunately several car2go smart fortwos were heavily vandalized during the post game riot. While we are hopeful that no one was hurt as a result of these activities, it is nonetheless very disappointing to have experienced this in our beloved Vancouver.

Disappointing, indeed. The timing of the riots could not have been worse for the new car-sharing plan, which just started in the Canadian city this past weekend. Given enough time, though, we're confident the service will be a success, since it's a really good idea.

If you missed the video of the vandals attacking a Car2go Fortwo over the weekend, you can watch it after the jump.

[Source: Daimler]

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