Video: Geeky Tim Allen as Merkur pitchman

Merkur Scorpio TV spot - Click above to watch the video after the jump

Actor and comedian Tim Allen, the former Home Improvement star and the man behind Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear, has seen steady voiceover work of late as the pitchman for Chevrolet (and Campbell's Soup, and Michigan tourism). Now, all the recent activity has gotten Allen plenty of attention of late, but he's an old hand when it comes to this stuff.

If you turn the clock back to 1988 you can watch Allen, sporting glasses and a rail-thin physique, try to sell us on the Merkur Scorpio (then dubbed Road and Track's best sedan under $27,500). German engineering at your Lincoln/Mercury dealer... what could possibly go wrong? Hit the jump to watch the 60-second spot. Just remember that operators are no longer standing by.

[Source: YouTube]

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