Hyundai and Samsung considering partnership to bring tablets to cars

According to reports coming out of South Korea, Hyundai is in talks with Samsung to develop a next-generation connectivity system that could allow tablets to be fully integrated into its cars by 2013.

Depending on which outlet you believe, the partnership could encompass everything from smartphone connectivity, a fully-integrated "Smart Car" or a new tablet-based system that's embedded into future Hyundais. Naturally, internet-connectivity through smartphone tethering is part of the package, along with integrated apps that would be controlled through the embedded device.

Two reports state that Hyundai is developing the tablet in-house with the help of outside suppliers, while another states the collaboration will allow Samsung's Android-powered smartphones and tablets to be automatically linked inside the vehicle.

Our own sources have confirmed that Hyundai is in talks with Samsung, saying, "Hyundai Motor is considering collaboration with smartphone manufacturers and telecommunication providers to link smartphones and Hyundai's independently developed in-car infotainment devices, which will debut after 2013. Samsung Electronics is one of the manufacturers Hyundai Motor is in discussions with."

If the partnership does take place, the ink on the deal could be dry as early as next week after Samsung execs return from the Mobile World Congress event currently taking place in Barcelona.

[Sources: JoongAng Daily, Korea Herald, UPI,]

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