Detroit 2011: Moto-Mundo duo loves traveling around the world in an electric Qashqai

Without any major incident, the Moto Mundo duo – Nina Rasmussen and Hjalte Tin – arrived at the Detroit Auto Show this week to share their story about driving from Europe to China and then across the U.S. and back to Europe in an electric vehicle. The Danish writers and adventurers are taking two converted all-electric Nissan Qashqais on this journey, and shared a collection of pictures and stories with the U.S. media.

Nina and Hjalte said that their journey around the globe has been nothing but wonderful. People all along the way, Hjalte said, seemed to know that electric vehicles promise a good future, even if they had never seen one before. The couple's pictures showed many instances of generous people in Russia and China giving them free electricity. When this wasn't available, they sometimes strung extension cords out of hotel windows to recharge the cars. They've been traveling the world for decades, and said that doing so in an electric car is a bit more engaging than some of their other journeys have been because most people were so excited to see and touch an electric car.

Even having their liquid-fueled generator stolen in the American southwest didn't dampen their spirits. The generator was used to recharge the vehicles in totally remote places like the middle of the Gobi desert and, since it is meant to power European electronics, Nina kidded that she hope the thief blew up his computer when he tried to power it from the 230V Danish outlet.

The couple is now traveling east from Detroit and plans to be back in Denmark in May after participating in the Monte Carlo Rally for electric cars. Read more about their adventures here and listen to most of their presentation after the jump.

Moto-Mundo presentation (21:30 min, 5.2MB):

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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