Video: BMW G450X plays chicken with a bobsled

BMW G450X plays chicken with a bobsled – Click above to watch the video after the break

Chicken – it may be the single most mindless game involving high-octane motor vehicles and low-IQ human beings. But the video you are about to see isn't exactly a game of chicken in the classic sense. You see, one one hand there is a bobsled, which is indeed piloted by humans but is actually powered by gravity.

On the other end of the icy, winding chute is BMW-mounted stuntman Chris Pfeiffer, who's riding one of the German marque's G450X off-road motorcycles. At a predetermined point of the track, Pfeiffer and the bobsled team will cross paths, one going high and the other going low. Dangerous? You betcha.

But it's also just about as cool as a staged game of chicken between a motorcycle and a bobsled can be. We suggest you see for yourself after the break. And don't try this at home.

[Source: YouTube via Hell For Leather – sub. req.]

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