Report: 74-year-old woman pulled over, tries to stab police with her car keys

There's a right way to behave when pulled over by the police, and about a million wrong ways to act. We aren't positive, but we're pretty sure that attempting to stab an officer with your car keys falls into the latter category. Yet that's exactly what 74-year-old Elizabeth Millonig tried to do after a pair of Flagler County, Florida deputies pulled her over for speeding. According to WESH-NBC, the ordeal started when Millonig was stopped earlier in the day. After shouted at the apprehending officers, Millonig simply drove away while they were running her plates from their cruiser. From there, the woman was stopped by a second officer, but pulled away from that encounter as well.
When finally stopped a third time, one deputy reached into the vehicle to prevent Millonig from fleeing again. At that point, the elderly driver began hitting the officer and screaming, and if you can believe it, things went downhill from there. After being asked to leave her vehicle, Millonig attempted to kick one deputy in the groin while being handcuffed. It's unclear when the car-keys incident occurred during all of this, but the report says that after being placed in the back of a police vehicle, the elderly woman continued to kick the vehicle's doors and safety divider.

Millonig was initially stopped for driving 40 mph in a 30 mph zone. She was later released on $7,500 bond.

[Source: WESH-NBC]

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