Report: Jonathan Browning to head Volkswagen's U.S. operations

Since the departure of Stefan Jacoby, Volkswagen has been hunting for a new helmsman for its U.S. operations. Word is that VW have found that man. Jonathan Browning, a former managing executive for General Motors and Ford, is set to take over the position Jacoby vacated when taking the CEO spot at Volvo.
Browning initially joined the Volkswagen team in June to head the national sales effort for all 10 brands under the VAG umbrella. He began his career with General Motors back in 1981, working with Vauxhall and then moving on to manage GM Turkey. Browning eventually left the General for the Blue Oval where he was involved with marketing and served as managing director for (then Ford-owned) Jaguar from 1997 through 2001. GM got him back and he climbed its ladder, rising to the position of Head of Global Sales – a post he resigned from in 2009.

While Browning's appointment isn't official yet, Volkswagen will be holding an event tomorrow at 11 AM EST to announce its new U.S. CEO, so expect confirmation before noon on Monday.

[Source: Wall Street Journal - Sub. Req.]

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