Video: Audi channels '50s street racing scene for A1 photo shoot?


Audi A1 meets '50s cool – Click above to watch video after the jump

We'll be honest: we have no idea what's going on in the video after the jump. Near as we can tell, Audi wanted to work up a photo shoot for its new A1 subcompact, so the company dialed up two members of the band Tokio Hotel, packed a warehouse with 22 pieces of classic iron and went to town. Yeah, we don't quite get it ourselves. There's a '50s drag-race flavor about the whole affair thanks to a tatted-up blonde bombshell playing flag girl, which only furthers our befuddlement.

At least the song isn't half bad.

It's true that the Audi A1 is a pretty cool piece of machinery. And, yes, we dig on pre-'60s hardware as much as the next auto-obsessed site, but the two aren't quite the same kind of awesome. Maybe Audi is looking to flex the customizable side of the A1, or maybe the ad department was just looking for an excuse to meet a couple of members of Tokio Hotel. Who knows? Hit the jump to try to solve this mystery for yourself.

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[Source: Audi via YouTube]

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