Funny Car Commercial of the Day: A good reason for an automatic

Mazda offers a good reason to choose an automatic – Click above to watch the video after the break

Generally speaking, all of us at Autoblog prefer to drive a manual. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. For instance, driving a supremely sedate luxury car with anything other than a sit-back-and-relax automatic gearbox doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Also, when stuck in gridlock traffic, who wants to deal with a clutch pedal?

And then there's the odd situation presented in our Funny Car Commercial of the Day. We'll set the scene: There's a young man driving an old station wagon with a manual transmission. Add one beautiful Italian blonde with long legs and a short skirt who just happens to need a ride. And she apparently wants some attention.

The moral of the story? Sometimes, having an automatic transmission is a very, very good thing. For what it's worth, the Mazda2 just so happens to offer one. Check out the video after the break and check out for more funny car commercials.


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